Generally speaking, we all want to be healthy. For many of us though, this seems to be not only an elusive goal but a quite impossible one. It can feel like a path we walk alone, even while surrounded by a multitude of doctors, products, procedures and apparent choices. Indeed the health “industry” accounts for billions of dollars spent every year by people all looking for the same thing – health. Google any health concern and you can quickly become overwhelmed by information about standard treatments from doctors as well as alternative medicine and offers for all types of products and services. I know this because I have walked this path myself.

I don’t have a quick fix. My journey towards health began 12 years ago and it is a path I continue to walk everyday. What I have learned is that health is a state of mind, specifically the state of my mind. Regardless of what seems to be going on around me, my minds is still my own personal kingdom, and thus the responsibility for my state of mind rests solely with me. The journey towards health begins by befriending your own mind, connecting it to your breath and your body in a meaningful way – bringing the three aspects of your being into balance.

You may be thinking that you have been looking inward. Perhaps you blame yourself for the state of your body “I don’t eat right, exercise enough, think the right thoughts… My illness is a punishment for my bad behavior.” It seems that the belief that illness is a punishment is endemic in our culture.  Illness is not a punishment, but a result. There is a big difference between the two. Sometimes the causes of our illness are easy to spot and sometimes not. But the message that your illness is your fault only contributes to the disconnection between you and the inner resources that are a part of your true nature.


If you cut your finger, what heals the wound?

Please consider the countless times in your life you have witnessed your body healing itself. From the scrapes and bruises of childhood to recovery from major surgery, even without us doing anything, the body simply heals. Sometimes just a little, but many and most times completely and without even the trace of a scar. How easily we lose sight of this miracle!

There is a life force that is the energy that heals us. “Reiki” is that universal life force. The practice of Reiki allows us to connect with this energy directly as support for healing.