Why do we suffer from illness and disease? As we age, does our life have to shrink? It is inevitable that I will get grumpier and more afraid with each passing year? I have been asking these kind of questions and searching for answers my whole life. The search has led me to the wisdom of many traditions from all parts of the world. Along the way, I have found the guidance I was seeking to support me on my path to healing my physical, emotional and spiritual self. This website is my offering of gratitude for all the traditions that have touched me, all the teachers and healers that have given their time and energy to help me and to the communities of people and animals that share my path.
Leslie Abuso
Steps on my path include the study of music and dance, an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Florida State University, completion of the Three Doors Academy course on Transformations of Body, Speech and Mind, courses in the Bön Buddhist tradition, and attunements in Reiki.
You can contact Leslie at [email protected]
Wendy Savage
The intersection of Art, Photography, Science and Spirituality is what fuels the creativity behind Wendy’s photography and graphic work. Her experiences as an artist/photographer, educator and musician spans over 40 years.
Her beautiful work can be found here: www.wendysavagestudios.com