Please stop and consider this for just a moment – the countless times in your life that you have witnessed your body healing itself. From the scrapes and bruises of childhood to recovery from major surgery, the body heals. Sometimes just a little, and many more times completely and without even the trace of a scar. Yet how easily we lose sight of this miracle. We get caught in the message that someone or something else outside ourselves is more important to the process than we are.

Close your eyes and picture a time when you were wounded in some way, and how, day by day, the wound healed. Now ask yourself, what caused this to happen? What energy or force caused my body to heal?

That invisible force is Reiki.

My personal experience with Reiki began a dozen years ago. I had begun attending meditation sessions at the Ligmincha Texas Center for the Healing and Meditative Arts. In casual conversation, I heard one person request from another that she please send “Reiki” to her cat who was ailing.  Over the course of the next several years on occasions when my own cat was ailing, I requested Reiki from the same practitioner and it always seemed to help. I never thought to ask for myself :).

Fast forward to 2018. In the midst of our healing sessions together, my mentor – Pooja Arora, suggested that perhaps learning Reiki would be helpful for my healing process. The little voice in me said “yes” and at the end of several months, Pooja had trained and given me the Attunements necessary for me to be able to practice Reiki on myself and others (including my cats). In the year that followed, I also received the training and Attunements for Level 3 and Karuna Reiki, which allows me to now teach and attune others as well as offering Reiki treatments.

The Original Reiki Ideals


The Secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine for all diseases

Just for today
Do not be angry
Do not worry
Be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work
Be kind to people

Every morning and evening join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth.

Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind

If you have never used my services before, please begin our conversation about your path towards health and healing by sending me a message via the form below. I offer a limited number of in-person Reiki sessions in the Houston area.  If you do not live in the Houston area, I offer Distance Reiki Services. Please use this link to schedule a session. Thank you! ~ Leslie


    To begin our conversation, please send me a message!